Appointed by NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC), an Inuit community in Labrador, as external advisor for the Independent Expert Advisory Committee (IEAC) on Muskrat Falls. This large and highly controversial hydroelectric project has been widely opposed by many affected Indigenous residents. The mission of the IEAC was to use science and Indigenous Knowledge to recommend measures to protect the health of the Indigenous and local population from the effects of methylmercury related to Muskrat Falls.
Economic Impacts of PG&E’s Proposed Capital Expenditures in 2011 General Rate Case
For over 30 years, TGG experts have filed testimony in over 60 regulatory proceedings in jurisdictions throughout North America. In 2010, TGG provided Direct Expert Testimony on behalf of The Greenlining Institute in Pacific Gas & Electric’s 2011 General Rate Case (GRC) before the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).