the goodman group, ltd.

The Goodman Group, Ltd. (TGG) is an energy consulting firm specializing in:

  • energy transition and renewables
  • economic development and environmental impact
  • energy supply and transportation
  • energy and regulatory economics
  • support to counsel.

Since 1989, TGG has been providing energy and regulatory economics expertise on the most challenging, complex and controversial energy projects in North America. We deliver rigorous economic analysis in support of the energy transition. For over a decade, our practice has focussed on assisting a wide range of clients opposing investments in fossil-fuel supply and infrastructure, and supporting renewable energy initiatives. TGG has proven to be effective and nimble, particularly in assisting lawyers and intervenors in high-profile legal and regulatory disputes.

Current Focus: Energy Transition


TGG is assisting public interest and environmental groups in the US Northeast (New York Lawyers for the Public Interest and Food and Water Watch) to accelerate the energy transition by containing the expansion of natural gas infrastructure. Recent TGG reports have concluded that  several natural gas pipelines proposed in the Northeastern states (Iroquois Pipeline Expansion and Tennessee Gas Pipeline Upgrade) will lock in decades of dependence on fossil fuels when a rapid energy transition is imperative. In support of the energy transition, we also provide expert consulting to renewable energy producers. TGG brings over 30 years of experience in energy regulation, finance and economics, as well as in-depth expertise in energy markets, technology and permitting.

See following TGG Projects:
Iroquois Pipeline Expansion by Compression (ExC) Project | Tennessee Gas Pipeline East 300 Upgrade | Renewable Energy Start-Up

Featured Projects

Co-created a tool for the Canadian federal government to evaluate the credibility of economic development claims (employment, government revenues and GDP) associated with Designated Projects under the Impact Assessment Act.
The sun rises over Matagorda Bay in Texas. (ImageTek / CC BY 2.0)
Prepared on expert report for Earthjustice about the proposed deepening and widening of the Ship Channel. Given changes in the economic context related to crude oil, we concluded that a Supplemental EIS should be required.
Giant coal trains near North Antelope Rochelle Mine, 2009, CC BY-SA 2.0
Retained as expert witnesses by Washington State Office of the Attorney General (AGO) in the matter of Lighthouse Resources, Inc., et al. v. Jay Inslee, et al. before the US District Court (West). Prepared written expert testimony Expert Report on Millennium Bulk Terminals-Longview/Lighthouse and the Expert Rebuttal Report on Millennium Bulk Terminals-Longview/Lighthouse. The reports analyze the burden to the US coal industry if the Millennium Bulk Terminals-Longview (Millennium) were not built.
President Barack Obama arrives at TransCanada Stillwater Pipe Yard, Cushing, OK, 2012. Associated Press, Pablo Martinez Monsivais
TGG’s jobs analysis in Pipe Dreams? Jobs Gained, Jobs Lost by the Construction of Keystone XL was used to demonstrate to the US media and the Obama Administration that KXL would not be a major job creator for the US, nor would it have any substantial impact on US employment.