Trans Mountain pipeline expansion could be at least two months late, National Observer ($)

By E. McIntosh | NewsEnergyPoliticsOttawa Insider

The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project is currently scheduled to be finished at the end of 2022. (Photo from Trans Mountain/Twitter)

Last week, Trans Mountain said its pipeline expansion project is on schedule to be done by the end of 2022.

But the environmental non-profit Wilderness Committee says it appears Trans Mountain has missed its window to start key construction work in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, meaning the project is at risk of at least a two-month delay. And that’s if everything else goes perfectly ⁠— if not, it could be up to 14 months late.

“This is a taxpayer-funded project, and every delay makes the project cost more and makes it less economically viable,” said Peter McCartney, a campaigner with the Wilderness Committee, a group that has been advocating to kill the project. MORE>>