Our North-American-wide client base comprises governments (including Indigenous and tribal authorities) and regulators, environmental, public interest and customer groups, and energy sector companies. We have worked with clients in California, Washington, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, New York, New Jersey, three New England states, DC, Florida, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Labrador.
Governments and Regulators
California Public Utilities Commission
Florida Department of Community Affairs (dismantled 2011 by Rick Scott)/Florida Office of Energy
The Government of Canada, Office of the Chief Science Advisor
The Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) (Quebec)
Maine Public Utilities Commission Staff
Massachusetts Division of Energy Resources
Moose River/James Bay Coalition (Cree communities of the Mushkegowuk region), Ontario
North Carolina Department of Commerce Energy Division
New York City Department of Telecommunications and Energy
(now NYC DCAS – Energy Management (DEM))
Nishnawbe Aski Nation/Grand Council Treaty #3/Teme-Augama Anishnabai
NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC) (Labrador)
Maine Office of the Public Advocate
Ontario Métis and Aboriginal Association
(now OMAA – The Woodland Métis Tribe)
Pimicikamak Cree Nation (Manitoba)
Quebec Government, Commission Doyon Staff
Rosebud Sioux Tribe (South Dakota)
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (North Dakota)
Southern States Energy Board
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington State Office of the Attorney General
Environmental Groups
American Rivers (DC)
Conservation Law Foundation (New England)
Eastern Environmental Law Center (EELC) (New Jersey)
Environmental Defence Canada
Environmental Defense Fund
Équiterre (Quebec)
Green Energy Coalition (Ontario)
Greenpeace Canada
Greenpeace International
Manitoba Chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS Manitoba)
Natural Resources Council of Maine
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) (New York)
New England Coalition for Energy Efficiency and the Environment
Northeast Alliance to Protect James Bay
New Jersey Conservation Foundation (NJCF)
Oil Change International (OCI)
Pollution Probe (Ontario)
Sierra Club (National), Sierra Club Canada Atlantic Chapter and Manitoba Branch
(now Prairie Branch)
Public Interest and Customer Groups
Concerned Citizens of Manitoba
The Greenlining Institute (California)
New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYPLI)
North Shore No Pipeline Expansion (NOPE) (British Columbia)
Option consommateurs (Quebec)
Stand Together Oppose Power Plant (STOPP) (New York)
TURN (The Utility Reform Network) (California)
Vermont Public Interest Research Group
Academic Institutions
Cornell University (Cornell Global Labor Institute) (New York)
Center for Environmental Legal Studies, Pace University School of Law (New York)
Simon Fraser University (Centre for Public Policy Research) (British Columbia)
Energy Sector Companies, Energy Consulting Companies, Industry Groups
Avoided-Energy-Supply-Component (AESC) Study Group, mainly electric and gas utilities (New England)
Cambridge Energy Research Associates (Massachusetts) acquired 2004 by IHS Inc., in turn was acquired 2022 by S&P Global
Conservation Services Group (Massachusetts) acquired 2016 by CLEAResult
Independent Power Producers of New York
PowerLight Corporation (California) acquired 2006 by SunPower Corporation (California)
Synapse Energy Economics (Massachusetts)