the goodman group, ltd.

News >> 2012

Air Pollution • By Larry Schnapf The Clean Air Act imposes an alphabet soup of emission control technologies on owners and operators of stationary sources. Depending on the regulatory program and air pollutants, a facility may have to comply with BACT, BART, BDT, GACT, LAER, MACT and RACT. While the
Ted Turner and Special to CNN | Updated 3:46 PM EST, Fri February 24, 2012 Editor’s Note: Ted Turner is the founder and chairman of the United Nations Foundation and the founder of CNN and Turner Broadcasting. He no longer plays an active role in CNN’s operations.
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Reporters still fumbling numbers in wake of pipeline’s rejection By Curtis Brainard, JANUARY 24, 2012 God help the poor news consumers of America, especially the would-be voters. President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline last week incited a new wave of coverage and speculation about how many jobs
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