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News >> 2013

CTV Montreal • Published Tuesday, December 3, 2013 10:24PM EST | Last Updated Tuesday, December 3, 2013 10:55PM EST QUEBEC CITY — They’re calling it a game of Russian Roulette. Environmental groups are warning the Enbridge pipeline reversal project through Montreal would be a risky endeavour, despite the company’s assurances that bringing Alberta oil
Radio-Canada • Publié le 25 octobre 2013 Les militants ont été bruyants lors des présentations de vendredi. (Credit: LA PRESSE CANADIENNE / MARK BLINCH) Enbridge réfute les affirmations faites par plusieurs groupes environnementaux inquiets de son projet d’inverser le flux d’un pipeline entre l’Ontario et le Québec. La compagnie
Derek Leary | Oct. 23, 2013 1:56AM EDT By Derek Leahy The international pipeline safety expert who last August described Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline as “high risk for a rupture” now says the probability of Line 9 rupturing is “over 90 percent.” “I do not make the statement ‘high risk for a rupture’
The international pipeline safety expert who last August described Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline as “high risk for a rupture” now says the probability of Line 9 rupturing is “over 90%.” “I do not make the statement ‘high risk for a rupture’ lightly or often. There are serious problems with Line 9 that need
NEB panellists escorted out of room by police and security as demonstrators chant ‘No Line 9’ CBC News • Posted: Oct 18, 2013 11:22 PM ET | Last Updated: October 18, 2013 Indigenous women play a song inside the room where the National Energy Board was conducting public hearings into Enbridge’s Line 9 oil pipeline in Toronto on
Radio-Canada • 2013-10-18 | Mis à jour le 18 juin 2019 Le trajet de la ligne 9B d’Enbridge (Credit: ENBRIDGE) L’organisme Défense environnementale de l’Ontario a demandé à des experts indépendants d’analyser les bénéfices sociaux et économiques du projet d’Enbridge d’inverser le flux de son pipeline 9B,
This whole situation bears a disturbing resemblance to the monorail episode of The Simpsons. The after effects of Lyle Lanley’s monorail bears eerie similarities to the potential impact Line 9 could have in Canada. via the Simpsons Wiki. In a classic episode of the Simpsons, a travelling salesman
LEE-ANNE GOODMAN, WASHINGTON, THE CANADIAN PRESS, PUBLISHED JULY 30, 2013 U.S. President Barack Obama’s latest public comments on TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline have highlighted the wildly divergent job estimates associated with the project while raising concerns among American proponents that he’s preparing to reject it. The White House hasn’t responded
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Momentum shifts again toward pipeline opponents in the long-running battle By John H Cushman Jr – for InsideClimate News, part of the Guardian Environment Network Leading environmental groups declared on Monday that the Obama administration’s latest environmental review
OPINION By Editorial The State Department’s latest environmental assessment of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline makes no recommendation about whether President Obama should approve it. Here is ours. He should say no, and for one overriding reason: A president who has repeatedly identified climate change as
By Brad Plumer • March 1, 2013 at 4:32 p.m. EST The State Department has just released its 2,000-page draft environmental review of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry oil from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, down to Steele City, Nebraska and on to the Gulf of
By John M. Broder • March 1, 2013 WASHINGTON — The State Department issued a revised environmental impact statement for the 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline on Friday that makes no recommendation about whether the project should be built but presents no conclusive environmental reason it should not be. The 2,000-page document