Report May Ease Path for New Pipeline, New York Times ($)

By John M. Broder • March 1, 2013 WASHINGTON — The State Department issued a revised environmental impact statement for the 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline on Friday that makes no recommendation about whether the project should be built but presents no conclusive environmental reason it should not be. The 2,000-page document also makes no statement on whether the pipeline is


Court Rejects EPA Challenge to State BACT Determination for Coal Power Plant, Schnapf LLC Environmental Law

Air Pollution • By Larry Schnapf The Clean Air Act imposes an alphabet soup of emission control technologies on owners and operators of stationary sources. Depending on the regulatory program and air pollutants, a facility may have to comply with BACT, BART, BDT, GACT, LAER, MACT and RACT. While the process of identifying the applicable emission


Stop Keystone pipeline before it’s too late, CNN

Ted Turner and Special to CNN | Updated 3:46 PM EST, Fri February 24, 2012 Editor’s Note: Ted Turner is the founder and chairman of the United Nations Foundation and the founder of CNN and Turner Broadcasting. He no longer plays an active role in CNN’s operations. He also founded and is the co-chairman of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which


Keystone XL Jobs Bewilder Media, Columbia Journalism Review.

Reporters still fumbling numbers in wake of pipeline’s rejection By Curtis Brainard, JANUARY 24, 2012 God help the poor news consumers of America, especially the would-be voters. President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline last week incited a new wave of coverage and speculation about how many jobs the line would create. Unfortunately,


Keystone XL Isn’t the Key, Centre for American Progress

Pipeline Project Won’t Improve Energy Independence By Kate Gordon and Daniel J. Weiss  December 16, 2011, 9:00 am As Congress attempts to finish its 2011 work, the House leadership continues to push hard to speed up the permitting process for the Keystone XL pipeline. Today Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) threatened to add a


Just How Many Jobs Would The Keystone Pipeline Create? NPR

December 14, 2011, 4:43 PM ET | Heard on  All Things Considered by Tamara Keith One of the major sticking points between the House and the Senate as they face off over end-of-year legislation is the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. The bill the House passed Tuesday contains a provision forcing President Obama to decide on


Keystone XL: The Pipeline That Won’t Die, Rolling Stone ($)

You don’t kill off Big Oil’s pet project that easily. By JEFF GOODELL The zombie pipeline lives! You might think that the Obama administration’s decision last month to delay the construction of the $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline pending further review would have put an end to Big Oil’s pipeline dreams. After all, the whole


EDITORIAL, Keystone Claptrap, New York Times ($)

December 12, 2011 The Keystone XL oil pipeline has become the House Republicans’ weapon of choice in their fight with President Obama over jobs and taxes. Mr. Obama has said he will not make a decision on the pipeline until 2013. The Republicans are insisting that he approve it now and have attached an amendment to


Keystone Pipeline debate heats up, Washington Post ($)

By Juliet Eilperin and Steven Mufson, November 5, 2011 Canadian ambassador Gary Doer has a straightforward analysis of whether TransCanada will win the Obama administration’s approval to build and operate an enormous pipeline to transport oil from Alberta to the Texas coast. “If it’s made on merit, we’re confident,” Doer said in an interview. “If it’s made on


Keystone XL Oil Pipeline: A Symbolic Struggle Steeped In Fuzzy Math, Huffington Post

By Tom Zeller Jr. 11/04/2011 07:11am EDT | Updated December 6, 2017 At the end of September, the mayor of tiny Atkinson, Neb., sat calmly waiting for an invasion. David Frederick’s rural outpost of about 1,000 residents, set along the northeastern edge of Nebraska’s Sandhills, was about to see its population briefly swelled by a phalanx of U.S. State


Proposed Oil Pipeline from Canada, Diane Rehm Show

Tuesday, Oct 18 2011 • 10 a.m. (ET) Pros and cons of a proposed pipeline to bring crude oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Understanding the stakes for the environment, the U.S. economy and the White House.  Guests Juliet Eilperin Environmental reporter, The Washington Post, and author of ” Demon Fish: Travels Through the Hidden