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PennEast gas pipeline gets FERC approval, Oil & Gas Journal

PennEast Pipeline has received US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission construction approval 3 years after filing with agency. The roughly 120-mile natural gas pipeline begins in the Marcellus Shale near Dallas, Pa., and connects with Williams Co.’s Transco Pipeline near Pennington, NJ.

OGJ editors • Jan 22nd, 2018

PennEast Pipeline has received US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission construction approval 3 years after filing with agency. The roughly 120-mile natural gas pipeline begins in the Marcellus Shale near Dallas, Pa., and connects with Williams Co.’s Transco Pipeline near Pennington, NJ.

PennEast expects to put the 36-in. OD line in service in 2019 moving 1 bcfd, with construction beginning this year.

FERC issued its draft environmental impact statement in July 2016 and finalized its recommendations in April 2017, affirming that construction and operation of the PennEast Pipeline would have minimal environmental impact, which would be reduced to “less than significant levels” with PennEast’s and FERC’s mitigation measures.

About 90% of PennEast’s capacity is contracted with area gas utility companies and electric power generators.


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