the goodman group, ltd.

President Barack Obama arrives at TransCanada Stillwater Pipe Yard, Cushing, OK, 2012. Associated Press, Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Keystone XL Job Study

TGG’s jobs analysis in Pipe Dreams? Jobs Gained, Jobs Lost by the Construction of Keystone XL was used to demonstrate to the US media and the Obama Administration that KXL would not be a major job creator for the US, nor would it have any substantial impact on US employment. 

TGG co-authored this influential and widely publicized study on the employment impacts of the Keystone XL pipeline with the Cornell Global Labour Institute in 2011. The report was released in September 2011 and updated in January 2012. TGG’S Ian Goodman and Brigid Rowan provided the economic analysis to demonstrate that TransCanada Pipelines Ltd had greatly exaggerated the employment impacts of the Keystone XL (KXL) Project. TGG estimated the Project would create no more than 2,500-4,650 temporary direct construction jobs for two years and at the most a handful of permanent jobs (ranging from a low of 20 to a high of 127).

Since KXL was first proposed by TransCanada in 2008, the project has been the subject of a long and divisive public debate. Proponents of this controversial pipeline, continued to push for its construction and overstate its economic benefits despite multiple legal setbacks, widespread opposition, and a weakening economic case.

On January 20, 2021, President Biden issued an Inauguration Day executive order to rescind the construction permit for KXL. Almost a decade after Pipe Dreams  was first published, TGG’s conclusions remain relevant. Most energy experts now agree that the project’s economic fundamentals are weak given reduced growth in Canadian tar sands, buttressed by climate concerns and exacerbated by the COVID crisis. See Project Pages for Keystone XL Market Analysis and Keystone XL in South Dakota for more information about TGG’s subsequent work on KXL.

On June 9, 2021, TC Energy terminated Keystone XL pipeline months after Biden revoked its permit. Alberta’s final costs for the cancelled project are estimated at $1.3 billion.

Update February 2025: On his first day in office, Trump rescinded President Biden’s executive order revoking the KXL permit (granted by Trump in his first term), therefore offering the possibility of a revival of the project. The order has been perceived as mainly symbolic; and it is unlikely that the project would be revived in the near-term given the current economic and political climate. However, Trump continues to insist that he wants KXL to be built and has promised to fast-track regulatory approval. South Bow, TransCanada’s oil pipeline spinoff, has stated that it is no longer interested in developing the project. 


REPORT | January 18, 2012

Project Categories

Energy: Oil
Transport Mode: Pipeline
Type: Job Study

No TGG testimony was required for this Project. A public Expert Report was released, which generated significant attention in the US and Canadian media:

REPORT | January 18, 2012
Pipe Dreams? Jobs Gained, Jobs Lost by the Construction of Keystone XL

CLIENT BRIEFINGS | 2011 – 2015

MEDIA INTERVIEWS | 2011 – 2015
TGG has frequently commented on the economic impacts of KXL in major media, and particularly the employment impacts, which have been greatly exaggerated by proponents.

January 20, 2021
Biden Cancels Keystone XL Pipeline and Rejoins Paris Climate Agreement, New York Times ($)

January 18, 2021
Biden to Cancel Keystone XL Pipeline in Inauguration Day Executive Order, New York Times ($)

July 8, 2020
Is This the End of New Pipelines? New York Times ($)

July 6, 2020
Supreme Court Won’t Block Ruling to Halt Work on Keystone XL Pipeline, New York Times ($)

May 19, 2020
Alberta gears up for another legal battle over Keystone XL after Biden vows to pull permissions, Financial Post ($)

May 18, 2020
Joe Biden vows to cancel Keystone XL if he wins presidency, National Post ($)

May 18, 2020
Biden says he’d cancel Keystone XL pipeline permit if elected, CBC

August 9, 2017
There Are Two Unsung Heroes in the Keystone Pipeline Fight, Esquire ($)

November 6, 2015
Keystone Battle in Washington Belied Pipeline’s Real Impact, Bloomberg News ($)

November 6, 2015
Obama rejects Keystone XL, National Observer ($)

November 6, 2015
Barack Obama rejects Keystone XL pipeline citing ‘national interest’, CBC

July 30, 2013
Keystone proponents on Obama’s job numbers: ‘He’s not paying much attention,’ The Globe and Mail ($)

February 24, 2012
Stop Keystone pipeline before it’s too late, CNN

January 24, 2012
Keystone XL Jobs Bewilder Media, Columbia Journalism Review.

December 16, 2011
Keystone XL Isn’t the Key, Centre for American Progress

December 14, 2011
Just How Many Jobs Would The Keystone Pipeline Create? NPR

December 13, 2011
Keystone XL: The Pipeline That Won’t Die, Rolling Stone ($)

December 12, 2011
EDITORIAL, Keystone Claptrap, New York Times ($)

November 9, 2011
FACTBOX-Keystone XL dominates US energy, environment agenda, Reuters

November 5, 2011
Keystone XL Oil Pipeline: Today’s Most Explosive Environmental Debate, The Atlantic ($)

November 5, 2011
Keystone Pipeline debate heats up, Washington Post ($)

November 4, 2011
Keystone XL Oil Pipeline: A Symbolic Struggle Steeped In Fuzzy Math, Huffington Post

November 2, 2011
Make energy policy about energy, not jobs, The Economist ($)

October 18, 2011
Proposed Oil Pipeline from Canada, Diane Rehm Show

September 30, 2011
U.S. to decide the Keystone XL pipeline’s fate, CNN Money